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BC Stats report confirms growing population
Published 10:42 PST, Wed January 31, 2024
Last Updated: 10:45 PST, Wed January 31, 2024
A new BC Stats report, Sustaining Growth: Population and Demography for B.C. and Canada, has compiled publicly available statistics and data to project population growth to 2046 and highlights demographic trends for the province.
The report reflects trends seen in numbers released by Statistics Canada in December 2023 and provides a high-level summary of demographic data to support program, policy and service development across government.
The report states that British Columbia’s population is projected to reach 7.9 million by 2046, up 44 per cent compared to 5.5 million in 2023.
Higher federal immigration targets and changing immigration policies are resulting in higher population growth for Canada and B.C. The B.C. government will continue to work with the federal government to ensure newcomers have the support they need. Provincial ministries are also taking a co-ordinated approach to assessing the impact of population growth on existing and emerging policy and programs.
The report also found that people in British Columbia are older, on average, than in the rest of Canada and the province’s fertility rate is lower.
Population data in this report is available online at BC Stats’ population estimates and projections for British Columbia and is updated regularly.