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Wings Over Iona

Embrace the outdoors and witness the fall migration of shorebirds, songbirds and other avions at Wings Over Iona on Saturday, Aug. 24 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Iona Beach Regional Park.
Embrace the outdoors and witness the fall
migration of shorebirds, songbirds and other avions at Wings Over Iona on
Saturday, Aug. 24 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Iona Beach Regional Park.
As birds journey from northern breeding
grounds to warmer habitats in the south, you must view this spectacular wonder
of nature by taking part in the free bird walk at the event.
Embark on this adventure as an avian world
traveller for the day with your family and friends.
All ages are admitted free, so drop by
Find more information on
or call 604-224-573. View the FaceBook event on