Arts & Culture
Easter a time for reflection

Easter, rooted in tradition, is a time for
family to come together and reflect.
A Christian celebration of the resurrection
of Jesus Christ, Easter is held on the Sunday after his crucifixion, which is
marked on Good Friday. In Canada, it is always (following the Gregorian
calendar) between March 22 and April 25. This year, Good Friday (a national
holiday) is April 14 and Easter Sunday, April 16.
Additional customs include special church
services, new dress clothes as well as egg hunting, the Easter bunny and Easter
The Easter Bunny, a folkloric figure
depicted as a rabbit carrying brightly coloured eggs—and sometimes candy and
toys—in a basket, began as a practice among German Lutherans.
The tradition of Easter egg hunts has become
common in most communities across the country, Richmond certainly being no
Many local community centres participate in
the annual celebration.
For example, South Arm Community Centre has
held such events through the years.
It’s been so successful that it has had to
hold at least three different hunts to meet the demand.
Participants collect special plastic eggs
“hidden” throughout a designated area, which are then returned for goodie bags,
explains community-development co-ordinator, Winnie Wong.
“This event attracts a mix of newcomers and
returnees because it’s a good family event, and especially for the young,
fosters developing social skills,” she said. “It allows the kids to be creative
and express themselves.”
In recent years, Easter has also become a
favourite time of the year for those with a sweet tooth.
“(When it comes to chocolate sales) Easter
is the second biggest occasion of the year, with Christmas the biggest,” said
Anita Schulz, manager of Sinfully the Best chocolate shop in Steveston.
This year, the Moncton Street retailer has a
particularly fun selection of chocolate bunnies, including one wearing a chocolate
sweater, hand-painted with vividly-coloured, edible cocoa butter.
“It has a burst of colours and is really
pretty,” Schulz said.
The chocolatier, who makes all its products on site, is offering (for a limited time) a giant bunny that retails for $300. Tickets for the April 14 giant chocolate bunny draw, are $1 each available at Sinfully the Best, corner of No 1 Road and Chatham Street, with all proceeds going to the Richmond Food Bank.