Arts & Culture
Your input needed for Cultural Harmony Plan
Published 10:30 PDT, Wed September 4, 2019
Last Updated: 2:13 PDT, Wed May 12, 2021
The City of Richmond has developed a Cultural Harmony Plan. Now, it wants to hear from you.
The City of Richmond has developed a Cultural Harmony Plan. Now, it wants to hear from you.
As one of the most diverse cities in Canada, with over 60 per cent of its residents born outside the country, the 10-year guideline through 2029 “demonstrates the city’s leadership in building on its social inclusion practices,” says Mayor Malcolm Brodie. “It also signifies the city’s role in responding to the evolving needs of Richmond’s increasingly diverse population, which includes longtime residents, immigrants and newcomers.”
There are many ways to share your thoughts, including at three drop-in style open houses and via an online survey.
Open houses are planned:
- Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 5 to 7 p.m. at South Arm Community Centre, 8880 Williams Rd.
- Tuesday, Sept. 17 from noon to 2 p.m. at Richmond Cultural Centre, 7700 Minoru Gate
- Saturday, Sept. 21 from 10 a.m. to noon at Cambie Community Centre, 12800 Cambie Rd.
Residents can also visit for information on the draft plan and to complete an online survey between Sept. 10 and 29. Printed survey copies will be available at the open houses.
The purpose of this 2019-2029 plan is to find innovative and collaborative approaches that strengthen intercultural connections among Richmond’s residents, identify programs and services that address the needs of the city’s diverse population, and remove barriers to participation for Richmond residents, particularly newcomers and immigrants.